monarch butterfly flying

Gou Pastel's Hub

About Me:

Hello! I'm Gou and I'm an adult with undiagnosed ADHD. I spend most of my time drawing and writing BL comics. I like playing video games and doing other small hobbies like crocheting and painting. I also really like animals!

Status Cafe Profile
  • Pronouns: she/her
  • BL, Rainbows, Eldritch horror, Mascot characters, Sanrio, Zoology
  • Games: Xenoblade Chronicles, Animal Crossing, Zero Escape, Pokemon, Subnautica, Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Story, Danganronpa
  • Animals: Cats, Bunnies, Hedgehogs, Penguins, Whales, Waterbears, Octopus, Snails, Koalas, Cows